Welcome to 2018-19 school year!
Lots of change in DCSD- new school year, new leadership, new mill/bond levy on the ballot, new students, new colleagues, new website, the list goes on! This can bring unease to many but if we can get past that and look for the good in change, it can be more productive and positive. So let's meet this new year with a strong force of love, support and positivity! The Healthy Schools Community is here for you in not only creating your new SHIP, but we are also here to help train staff, work with students, one-on-one meetings, offer parent classes, provide curriculum and lend out some library books. Let us know what we can do to help you as you are building "the new".
Important Dates
Fall Healthy Schools Workshop: September 12th
Our annual Fall Healthy Schools Fall Workshop is planned for September 12th at the Highlands Ranch. Please register through InspirED. If you need a sub, please use "Healthy Schools Grant" as the reason in Aesop. If you are a classified staff, we will let you know how we will pay for you.
Groove Toyota Grant: Application Deadline September 1st
Our annual Fall Healthy Schools Fall Workshop is planned for September 12th at the Highlands Ranch. Please register through InspirED. If you need a sub, please use "Healthy Schools Grant" as the reason in Aesop. If you are a classified staff, we will let you know how we will pay for you.
Groove Toyota Grant: Application Deadline September 1st
Schools that enter will be evaluated on how they best demonstrate a need to use the Drive for Education Grant. Choose compelling and specific reasons which you believe best enhance and increase your schools' program. With your application please provide a personalized description or essay detailing your schools' need. The submitted essay should describe how the grant will impact education in the classroom, facilities of student programs.
February Grant Awards : Applications (link) accepted September 1st - January 1st
Physical Activity

Check out GoNoodle Plus, a fabulous resource for teachers that combines movement and academics through brief and engaging games and videos. A teacher can add his/her own curriculum into our 10+ movement games, making the learning fun! Here are some tips from GoNoodle for the classroom, I love #2, you could include these points in your newsletter to parents!!
- Schedule GoNoodle Time to your daily class schedule
- Explain why movement is important- visit their blog- it's amazing! blog post
- Clearly discuss expectations with students, use this poster for your classrooms
- Here's a fun video to teach kids about GoNoodle and a fun activity you can incorporate into your classroom... Hola, Bonjour, Hello!
Brain Breaks
The authors of Energizing Brain Breaks have a blog with some fantastic physical activity ideas. This one is from a blog post in 2016. Let's be honest, play dough never gets old and works with all age groups. Give it a try and if you need a rockin' recipe, contact Kimmy at kcromine@dcsdk12.org.
PLAY-DOH BRAIN BREAK (time 4 minutes)
1. The person on the left should come up to the front and get a small Play-Doh can.
2. Go back to your desk and you have 1 minute (the teacher will announce the time) to make an animal (or some other category like a vegetable, or fruit)
3. Your partner will only get three guesses for what the animal is. You don't have to show them what you are doing until the minute is up.
4. Switch and the person on the right gets to make a different animal.
5. Use your guesses wisely because you only get three.
Hints are allowed.
6. The person on the left will close the lid and take the Play-Doh back up to the front of the room.
A few years ago we were able, through the generosity of the Colorado Health Foundation, to purchase our leaders a copy to I am Her Now by the Mindfulness Project. This is a gentle reminder to pull that book off the shelf, dust it off, and start the days with some journaling! Pick a day of the week to start off the day with some journaling (or do it every day). Give the students blank piece of paper and get started. Here are a few ideas...
- Make a list- any list!
- Draw a bunch of cloud shapes and then write passing thoughts inside
- Gratitude letter to a person, place, or thing
- Write and Rip!
- Play some classical music and draw for 5 minutes
- Brain Drain- list all the things on your mind
- Draw the number 8, or an infinity sign, and trace with breath
- Find some more ideas at Journal Buddies
We had the good fortune of attending the Mindful Schools Essentials for Educators class last year and have obtained quite a few resources for teaching mindfulness. This blog will be one way we will be sharing their fabulous ideas & resources with all of you. This fabulous article offers 6 ways to bring mindfulness into your classroom. Here is the article. Enjoy!!
Making and Modeling Healthy Behavior - Online Class
By Alliance for a Healthier GenerationRSVP While Space Remains!
Every minute we have choices to make -- why not ensure yours are healthy? Join us to kick off the new school year in a healthy way! We will be LIVE on Thursday, August 23 at 3:00 p.m. EST for 15 rapid fire wellness tips to improve your own well-being and model healthy habits for your students. Space is limited so RSVP to join us now!
The Go-To Burrito Bowl
A hearty, protein and veggie packed lunch that you can easily tweak and change up to your liking. It's much cleaner than what you can buy at your favorite burrito place.
Main Ingredients
Seasonings & oil
Source: WorkWeekLunch.com
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Fall Workshop. If you are ready to write your SHIP, please reach out to schedule a time when we can come by and help. Until we see you, don't forget to move, hydrate, eat healthy, surround yourself with positive people, and take the time to reflect on your ever so important purpose.
Gratitude & joy,
Laurie & Kimmy
Thanks for the recipe - I can not wait to give it a try. I also look forward to seeing you guys in September.
I entered a drawing to get the PP version of the Energizing Brain Breaks. Thanks for the ideas and resources!