Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November 2017

It's that time of year- the time we are reminded how thankful we are for the wonderful things that fill our lives- day in, day out.  We can't thank you, our healthy school teams,  and all those who support you enough. The magic that happens around DCSD due to increased healthy eating habits, movement throughout the day, and regular mindfulness moments really makes tour schools a positive place for students and staff. Thank you for making the choice to be part of this program. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Thank you for putting in the extra effort.  May your week off for the holiday be full of happy moments and time to recharge your batteries!

Funding Availability

I am passing along a Radon Poster Contest in case any of your schools/students are interested in submitting artwork with a good environmental message! Prizes for students range from $300-$100 for ages 9-14.  Due November 30th, 2017.Contact Chrystine Kelley at chrys.kelley@state.co.us for information. website: www.coloradoradon.info.

Local schools will receive up to $3,500 each to enhance academic or extra-curricular programs. It could be your school! For eligibility, click the "Nominate Your School" link. Students or teachers should write a short essay specifically detailing how your school would use $3,500 to enhance education and where the money would go (I.e., toward a new facility, new equipment, teen education program or disability program). Students, teachers and administration are encouraged to participate in Groove Auto's DRIVE for education® program. LINK

Open from October 1, 2017- January 1, 2018. Apply today- it is super easy! 

Physical Activity

Mingle, Mingle, Group! In this game students mill about the classroom    saying, “mingle, mingle, mingle” in soft voices until the teacher says, “Groups of 5,” at which point the students must quickly group themselves into groups with the correct number of people. Students who are left over must do three jumping jacks before the next round starts. The teacher can call out any number for the group size. You can also add rules such as: as soon as a group is complete, all members must sit down in a line.

Brain Facts

For all of you brain facts nerds out there, here is a fun article on 72 interesting facts about the brain.  Some might be great to share with your students!


Breathing Buddies at BCE

Gratitude is super important. All the time. It’s something we should ALWAYS practice. So, what if in the month of November, we put some gratitude into action? Gratitude is associated the neurotransmitter dopamine- this helps regulate mood, behavior, sleep, cognition, and physical movement. This is the good stuff!
Carrie Wisehart shared in her latest blog the idea of  “GRATITUD-ACTION” time. The idea is to start with gratitude then act on it in response to that gratitude! How can you respond to the people that you feel gratitude towards? Here's one example, I am grateful that Kimmy can make beautiful presentations for our team so I respond by making sure her chocolate stash is well stocked ;-). Share your stories!


Sesame Chicken Pasta Salad

Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 25 mins
Total Time 1:25



    • cups (4.6 oz) uncooked pasta


    • large chicken breasts
    • tablespoon sesame oil
    • tablespoon soy sauce

    Sesame Vinaigrette

    • tablespoons olive oil
    • tablespoons rice vinegar
    • 1.5 tablepoons honey
    • 1.5 tablespoon sesame oil
    • 3/4 teaspoons soy sauce
    • clove garlic (optional)
    • 1/8 tsp salt


    • 10 oz bag of Mann's Power Blend
    • sesame seeds
    • green onions


    1. Cook the pasta according to package directions.
    2. Heat oven to 425°F.
    3. Toss the chicken breasts in the sesame oil and soy sauce and bake in a small baking dish for 10 minutes.
    4. Flip and return to the oven for 10 (small chicken breasts) to 15 (large chicken breasts) minutes, until cooked through.
    5. Allow to rest for 5 minutes on a cutting board before slicing into strips.
    6. Shake together all vinaigrette ingredients, and toss in a large bowl with the cooked chicken, pasta, and Mann's Power Blend, until completely coated.
    7. Divide amongst 4 storage containers (at least 2 cup capacity), sprinkle with sesame seeds and green onions, and refrigerate.

    Recipe Notes

    Nutritional Information: 1 lunch bowl
    Calories 450 // Fat 19 g // Saturated Fat 3 g // Cholesterol 70 mg // Sodium 577 mg // Carbohydrate 35 g // Fiber 5 g // Sugars 11 g // Protein 32 g
    Resource for Recipe

    Article if you want to read more!

    Anti-inflammatory Drinks...

    There is a lot of research is out there about the negative effects of inflammation on our bodies. Here are a few drinks that can start your morning out on a positive note...

    Flaxseed Milk
    Coffee (yea)
    Orange juice (Use a juice glass to limit sugar intake)
    Pomegranate Juice (Use a juice glass to limit sugar intake)
    Turmeric Tea

    12 Brain foods suggested by Brain Fit

    That's all for this issue of our blog. Thank you for reading our blog and being part of the wonderful Healthy Schools program.  Comments help us improve what we do so please leave one! Our drawing of names of those who comment will be December 1, 2017. 

    With gratitude,
    Laurie & Kimmy

    1 comment:

    1. I love that you posted the Groove Auto grant opportunity. We received that for PCA and it has been a wonderful opportunity for us!
