January 2018
Welcome to 2018! My sister shared with me an idea for the new year: "Look like you are 20, and feel like you are 18". Beyond the sheer humor in this statement, there is a hidden lesson. One way to look at this is that 18 year-olds generally do not allow fear to get in their way, and they attack life's challenges with determination to succeed, as they try to enjoy the ride every step of the way. This year will be full of its challenges and failures as usual, and a positive mindset will help determine the outcome of these inevitable moments. Remember you have the ability to do anything you put your mind to, and don't forget there are helping hands all around you. Sometimes the hardest part is to ask for help to reach your goals. Don't give up, don't let fear get in your way, and enjoy the ride! We wish you the best in all that you do, and we are here to support your healthy schools initiatives in any way needed - just reach out!
Funding Opportunities
Write a 250 word essay to get your school's name in for a $15,000 drawing to build a schoolyard garden. Yes, that is it, a 250 word essay! Read more here to find out all the details. Drawing will be held March 22, 2018 so please submit entry no later than March 11th. Best of luck!!
We are on twitter! Please follow Healthy Schools on twitter and be sure to retweet us. We want to publicize all the great work that happens in our Healthy Schools. We will give you an extra entry in this month's blog drawing if you follow us! @DcsdHealthyThe Foundation for Douglas County Schools is now accepting proposals for 2018 Opportunity Grants
This spring more than $22,000 will be awarded to projects that fuel experiential learning and to schools and classrooms that most need the Foundation’s support. Click here for details including the Request for Proposals and for information about other funding opportunities including the Nancy Intagliata Legacy Award which is a private staff scholarship for elementary school employees.
Alliance for Healthier Generation: Opportunities
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Is your New Year's Resolution to go on a tech diet? If so, read these 5 steps for tech use reduction shared by Kristen Race, owner of Mindful Life (Great resource for mindfulness in the classroom, in the workplace, and parenting).
- Step 1: Track your screen-time with the Moment app or the Realizd app.
- Step 2: Started checking email intentionally by making it difficult to check email on your phone and by scheduling times to check email.
- Step 3: Finally say "no" to notifications by turning off those pesky red flags for all social media apps on your phone.
- Step 4: Unsubscribe to the zillions of email newsletters overwhelming your inbox using unroll.me.
- Step 5: Recharge with a digital sunset. Put your phone away: out of sight, out of mind.
Training Opportunities
MindUP Curriculum- Why? How? Plan!
Session 1807-1 January 22, 2018. 4:30-6:30 at Clear Sky Elementary.
This two hour class with provide an overview of the neuroscience that supports using mindfulness in
the classroom along with some hands-on activities, the MindUP curriculum, and planning time with
colleagues. The overall goal of this workshop is to train teachers how to use the MindUp curriculum
and other mindfulness resources to aid in creating optimistic classroom environments, provide social
emotional learning skills practice for students, decreasing stress and anxiety while increasing focus,
self awareness and self management skills.
colleagues. The overall goal of this workshop is to train teachers how to use the MindUp curriculum
and other mindfulness resources to aid in creating optimistic classroom environments, provide social
emotional learning skills practice for students, decreasing stress and anxiety while increasing focus,
self awareness and self management skills.
School Celebrations

From David Garrett at Cresthill Middle School: David attended Teaching with the Brian in Mind #1 workshop and had his class create brain neurons using pipe cleaners. A girl in the class took it one step further and created her neuron and then with the extra time created labels using the pipe cleaners.
Healthy preschool holiday party at Soaring Hawk!
Physical Activity
Paula Bishop from Sage Canyon shared the idea of creating indoor recess bags for staff to check out on those cold or rainy days. All of the activities in the bag will encourage students to be physically active on the days they can't go outside. She shared her list of supplies (equipment request) in case anyone is interested in creating something similar.
From the article, "Meditation has been shown in many studies to work as well as common prescription drugs for anxiety. It can even reverse the damage caused by anxiety and make your brain less anxiety-prone. In this newly updated and expanded article, you’ll learn:
- Four key ways meditation makes your brain less prone to anxiety
- Why mindfulness meditation is particularly good for anxiety relief
- Why guided meditation is a foolproof way to get started
- The best websites and free (or nearly free) apps for meditations for anxiety
- Moving meditations to try if meditation makes you more anxious"
Wonderful resource website... http://www.changetochill.org/
You should love it because...
In addition to helping control your blood sugar and fend off diabetes, this big-around-the-holidays spice is good for improving your cholesterol, warding off Alzheimer's, and possibly alleviating symptoms of PCOS in women. (Pro tip: opt for ceylon cinnamon – the milder relative of the more common grocery store variety, cassia cinnamon – for the strongest health benefits.)
Spices for better mental focus!
Water Resources
Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:45 AM PST
The Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) at Jeffco Public Schools partnered with Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) to create a peer-led healthy beverage campaign for K-12 students entitled, “Water: It’s In Your Nature.” The students developed this toolkit of learning activities to parallel the current regional Hidden-Sugar.org camp
The campaign toolkit contains four activities: Water Conducts the Brain (eight-minute educational video); Water ‘Bout Me (online hydration calculator); Ready, Set…Water! (interactive Kahoot trivia game); and You Can’t Bottle Creativity (student PSA challenge). These activities have now been integrated into the Jeffco Public Schools curriculum for all teachers. The toolkit is useful for anyone working with the K-12 population to promote water consumption. Download the toolkit here. That's enough for now. Thank you for reading our blog! Please leave a comment to enter your name in our monthly blog drawing. Have a wonderful January and keep up with all of your health and wellness initiatives! With gratitude, Laurie & Kimmy |
I always like reading your blog. Thank you for the helpful information!
ReplyDeleteI love it! I enjoy reading the blog and getting great ideas.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great ideas! I plan to get my students jumping and create a #Jump4More video to share!! Make it a great year with more gratitude and mindfulness.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the wonderful resources and links to the webinars. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat information - Thank you! Love the article on Exercise Improves Test Scores..