Happy Fall!
REGISTER for the DCSD Healthy Schools Move Program!
Again, we are partnering with Kids Running America (KRA) in a DCSD Healthy Schools Move initiative, where staff, students and family members are encouraged to complete an ULTRAMARATHON and accumulate at least 100 miles of movement throughout the school year! There will be incentives and competitions (within schools and between schools or feeders) to reward participants for logging their miles.We worked very hard to be able to offer this program at NO COST to participants!
To register, go to DCSD Healthy Schools Move. Registration is pretty simple but I have included directions on a google doc in case you need it. I've also included a google doc that details how to log miles. Your team will be your school name, so just use the drop down menu to find your school name and click on it.
(We will hopefully be sending home a one page blurb in Thursday folders or via email to families as well as including information in THINK.)
Registration Instructions:
Logging Miles and Lifestyle Instructions:
We are hoping to have information to share via Thursday folders and/or THINK and emails to families, but
** We will also be working with the Personalized Learning Leaders (PLLs) in the district, in which the work of the Coordinated School Health teams can be integrated directly into their roles and responsibilities and includes a nice stipend.
To register, go to DCSD Healthy Schools Move. Registration is pretty simple but I have included directions on a google doc in case you need it. I've also included a google doc that details how to log miles. Your team will be your school name, so just use the drop down menu to find your school name and click on it.
(We will hopefully be sending home a one page blurb in Thursday folders or via email to families as well as including information in THINK.)
Registration Instructions:
Logging Miles and Lifestyle Instructions:
We are hoping to have information to share via Thursday folders and/or THINK and emails to families, but
The more students, staff and families we can get to register, the better sponsorships we will receive and the more funding we can get to support your health and wellness initiatives (SHIPs) at your schools!
** We will also be working with the Personalized Learning Leaders (PLLs) in the district, in which the work of the Coordinated School Health teams can be integrated directly into their roles and responsibilities and includes a nice stipend.
Fall Training/Meetings
We have had a few questions regarding a fall training meeting. Laurie and I are still determining if we'll be able to have a full-day training event this fall (we REALLY want to!), and should hopefully have that information to you within a week or so. If we are unable to have a full day training, we will provide an alternative training either within feeder areas or on an individual basis. It just depends on how we can utilize some of the Kaiser grant funds, which we are still working out with our T.A. Provider. We will keep you posted!!!
Mini Grant Winners
We wanted to take a minute to highlight the mini grant winners from last spring and share some of the amazing ways they used their additional funds. What great uses of funds to support health and learning!
1. Ben Franklin Academy- Middle School Health Curriculum
2. Buffalo Ridge Elementary- Fit Bit Zips (pedometer challenges for both students and staff)
3. Cherry Valley Elementary- Tower Garden
4. Coyote Creek Elementary- Exercise Balls to replace classroom chairs
5. Heritage Elementary- Learning Labrynth (for unstructured play or outdoor classroom use)
6. Pioneer Elementary- School Garden (tools and supplies)
7. Saddle Ranch Elementary- Tower Garden
8. Sagewood Middle School- Brain Break materials (Staff can check out during week to use in their classrooms)
Healthy Schools Highlight...
Cherry Valley Elementary was highlighted in THINK this past week (August 28th). Check it out!Goodbye Sundaes, Hello Smoothies!
DCSD Updates & Info
DCSD Tobacco Grant
In Colorado, 5,300 youth become regular smokers each year. (37 percent of high schoolers and 14 percent of middle schoolers have tried smoking.)
Yet, the average number of tobacco violations in DCSD schools is 8 violations. How is it possible that Douglas has so little number of violations when the youth tobacco users percent is so high?Many of us are unaware of the emerging tobacco products.
Which of these products is used to smoke nicotine?
Not sure? I'm available to share the emerging products in teachers' lounges, Professional Development days, staff meetings and/or any other event that fits with your schools needs. (Are your community parents aware? Parents night would be a great time to help build awareness.)
Please contact Cynthia Redfern to set up a meeting, event, or time to be in your school.
Cynthia Redfern
District Tobacco Grant Coordinator
Community Health Parnter Updates & Info
Register for the 18th Annual National Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 8th, 2014.
Walk to School day is fast approaching. Have you planned your events to encourage students to walk to school on October 8th (or another day that works better for your school)? Please register your school atwww.walkbiketoschool.org. This year, through a partnership with Colorado Action for Healthy Kids and LiveWell Colorado, we will be randomly awarding three (3) $250 mini-grants to be used for SRTS-related promotion and materials to schools that have registered and reported their Walk to School Day/Month participation throughwww.walkbiketoschool.org. Information will be arriving to your school or organization soon or refer to the attached documents for information on ordering materials to promote your event.
Thank you to all of the DCSD schools who supported the American Heart Association last year!
Over 22,000 DCSD students and 36 schools participated in Jump Rope for Heart or Hoops for Heart last year. Thank you for continuing the tradition that started 35 years ago! Schools who participated in these programs last year earned a total of $13,600 in certificates for new PE equipment to ensure our students are receiving quality physical education throughout the school year.
If you are interested in learning more about this fun and impactful program, please contact:
Elizabeth Tomlin at elizabeth.tomlin@heart.org or Beth Arnold atbethany.arnold@heart.org.
Your participation will help to save lives and make our district a healthier place!
Check out the FUEL UP TO PLAY Fall Campaign...
For the Love of Play, emphasizing getting 60 minutes of physical activity per day and asking kids/family to show us how they play ..It starts Sept. 9 and runs through Oct. 17 and there are prizes. See the Online version of the promo flyer:
http://westerndairyassociation.org/download/love-of-play-campaign-flyer/Enjoy Social Media?
"Like" RMC Health on Facebook and receive important updates related to Health and Wellness including training opportunities, articles/research, and events!
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